Smithsonian Institution

The Freer and Sackler Galleries are the Asian art museums of the Smithsonian Institution, the world's largest museum complex and research organization. The Freer Gallery of Art opened to the public in 1923, and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery welcomed its first visitors in 1987. Both are physically connected and ideologically linked through the study, exhibition, and sheer love of Asian art. In addition, the Freer Gallery contains an important collection of nineteenth century American art punctuated by James McNeill Whistler's Peacock Room.

Practice Areas:


Organizational Development

Analysis and guidance related to organizational structure, process, and culture

Consulting on organizational structure, process, and culture, primarily for the External Affairs Department, which includes Development and Public Affairs. The project extends to other parts of the museums as well.


Executive Coaching

Executive coaching for leadership and members of the External Affairs staff

Executive coaching for museum leadership and members of the External Affairs staff.


Fund Raising

Special projects fundraising

Fundraising for newly created projects, and consulting on various aspects of the fundraising operation.
