A selection of our clients.
Design and facilitation of a strategic planning retreat board and staff.
Facilitation of Programmatic Strategic Planning
Multi-year support for leadership of one of the world's largest scientific professional associations
Keynote presentation on board effectiveness
Design and creation of a new program for delivery by BoardSource, including creation of funding proposals
Relationship building for entry into Washington, DC, and creation of a professional development workshop to be delivered by Bridgestar
Multi-year support for planning and optimal board performance
Executive coaching, strategic planning, and international team facilitation for a 30+ year old organization that strengthens democracy around the globe through private enterprise and market-oriented reform.
Coaching the board and senior leadership team as well as defining strategic priorities and assembling annual operating plans
Executive Coaching and Board Development
Design and faciliation of a full-staff planning event
Strategic planning and board development over a two-year period
Business restructuring, marketing, branding, website and newsletter development, and editing
Since 2003, planning, organizational capacity building, board development, and executive coaching
Leadership coaching for two successive CEOs
Defining the roles and expectations of elected board members in a national association
Leadership coaching for the CEO.
Strategic Planning for a nonprofit that provides grants to chronically ill individuals.
Organizational and IT systems development, interim executive coaching
Leadership coaching for the founder of a grassroots domestic violence organization
Leadership consulting for the CEO and Executive Management Committee of a global society for engineers and experts in the aerospace, automotive, and commercial vehicle industries
Organizational development, executive coaching, and special-projects fundraising for the Freer and Sackler Galleries
Assisting the board in defining priorities for creation of the annual business plan
Strategic planning for the Engines, Emissions, and Vehicle Research Division Executive coaching for the division's senior management team
Leadership coaching for the senior management team and design and facilitation of a strategic planning process with staff and board
Is it true that being on a nonprofit board will make me a more attractive CEO candidate?
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