Whether your're looking to move advance with your current employer or move to a new firm, you will significantly improve your chances for a successful next step with the support of professionals familiar with the field. Oliver Tessier & Associates offers flexibility in working with you to address your particular interests, your time frame, and your budget.

Sample services include:

  • Creating a search plan, calendar, budget, and means of tracking your progress

  • Identifying the parameters of your new job (field of interest, type of organization, position, salary, location, moving from one sector to another)

  • Reviewing and editing your resume for optimal presentation

  • Supporting your networking activity through referrals and advice on expanding your own web of contacts

  • Coaching related to interviews and negotiations about job offers

  • Developing key relationships in a new job

  • Serving as an unbiased mirror for ideas, concerns, hopes, and frustrations related to your search

Feel free to contact us for a free introductory conversation to see if we are a good match for your needs.

Career Transition services are confidential; therefore, clients are not listed. References are available upon request.



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Oliver is unparalleled for building and delivering products that strengthen nonprofit boards.
—  Judith O'Connor, Former CEO, BoardSource

Nonprofit Q&A

Staff Retention Problems

Our members are happy, but our staff turnover is alarmingly high. We don't know why. What do you suggest?

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